Performer kneels on a bare wood floor, surrounded by cables and cassette players

Who We Are



1553 Plainfield Ave. NE, #4 Grand Rapids, MI 49505

About Us

The Division Avenue Arts Collective, or DAAC, is an all-ages music venue, art gallery and DIY project incubator started in 2003 by a rotating group of creatives in Grand Rapids, MI.

Fueled by volunteers, The DAAC strives to provide a safe & neutral space for artistic expression, available to everyone regardless of age or other circumstance. We believe that everyone has something to contribute, and we strive to create a community based on participatory culture through a DIT (do-it-together) approach. Additionally, we are deeply committed to remaining non-commercial, independent, and institutionally transparent.

Since 2014, we have been fiscally sponsored by Fractured Atlas so we might fundraise and apply for grant opportunities. We are a not-for-profit collective of artists, musicians, makers and creatives guided by a core committee of dedicated volunteers. Visit our volunteer page to join a committee or see our current volunteer opportunities.

Since 2018, we have moved from a "Board" model to a "Committees" model where core commitees lead key groups within the DAAC.

  • Lorenzo Aguayo, Jr.
  • Dèjanera Alicía
  • Nate Bliton
  • Bek Graham
  • Mika Reed

We are a substance-free venue. No smoking or vaping inside the building. No consumption of alcohol or other intoxicating substances in the building or on the grounds. Only smoking outside in designated areas. Volunteers will ask anyone to leave if they bring substances into the space or partake of substances at an event.

Any oppressive behavior at the DAAC will not be tolerated. We define oppressive behavior as any conduct that demeans, marginalizes, rejects, threatens or harms anyone on the basis of ability, age, cultural background, education, ethnicity, gender, immigration status, language, nationality, physical appearance, race, religion, self-expression, sexual orientation, status as a parent, or other lived experience. If you see or hear anything, please talk to a volunteer.

Taking a cue from the former DIY cultural center MESS HALL (Chicago, IL), we have developed a ten point outline of what we as a collective believe in.

  1. We insist on neutral platforms for individual and cultural expression
  2. We value spaces run by the people who use them
  3. We encourage collaboration over competition
  4. We support the transition from a "do-it-yourself" (DIY) attitude to a "do-it-together" (DIT) community
  5. We strive to be inclusive and to interact with other groups and communities
  6. We believe everyone has something to contribute
  7. We believe that age should not limit participation in cultural production
  8. We are committed to remaining non-commercial, independent and institutionally transparent
  9. We strive to create a safe and accessible place that emphasizes mutual respect for all
  10. We believe that constructive criticism is a foundation of healthy communities


1553 Plainfield Ave NE, Unit #4, Grand Rapids, MI 49505

We are located in the back part of the Gaia House Cafe building on Plainfield. It is a dark green building with a white and black striped awning. Turn West on Saunders which is the street directly North of the building. Look for the main entrance door under the huge owl mural. There is also an entrance up the ramp at the back of the building.

Public Transit

The DAAC is on Rapid bus line #11 (Sweet St stops). There is a bike rack at the front of the building on Plainfield, and bikes can also be parked at the back entrance in the alley by the ramp.

Temporary load in/load out parking, and accessible parking is allowed on Saunders directly across from The DAAC's entrance. Parking is also allowed on the street according to posted signs.

We have a parking lot use agreement with Berean Baptist Church (NW from the DAAC) and Caliber Collision (across Plainfield). These are shown as a big green areas on the map:

  • Street Parking - OK to park according to posted signs.
  • Berean Baptist Church lot - OK to park anytime except Sunday mornings.
  • Caliber Collision (across Plainfield) - OK to park after business hours & weekends.
  • NO parking in Quinn & Tuite's lot.
The DAAC Parking Map - Detailed image description follows

Map of The DAAC and surrounding buildings and streets. Good to park in the lot belonging to the auto collision repair shop after business hours, or street parking anytime. Good to park in the Berean Baptist Church lot. Do not park in the Quinn and Tuite's lot. Sweet Street and Coit Avenue are the nearest major intersection. Sweet runs east and west, Coit runs north and south. Plainfield Avenue and The DAAC are situated Southeast of Sweet and Coit. Plainfield is a diagonal line running between Sweet and Coit in the Southeast quadrant. Saunders Court connects Coit Avenue and Plainfield, running east to west, chopping the triangular city block in half horizontally. The DAAC is on the corner of Saunders Court and Plainfield. Just north of The DAAC is a large parking lot belonging to Berean Baptist church, marked in green as safe to park. Wrapping around The DAAC's building to the west and south is a parking lot belonging to Quinn & Tuite's Pub, marked in red as NOT safe to park. Across the street on Plainfield is another large lot marked green, belonging to the auto collision repair shop.

Green = OK to Park

Red = Bad to Park
