WSC Restore + Renew / 30-Minute Guided Meditation

Partner Event

Pay What You Can
Event Type
Flyer Credit
Wandering Soul Collective

A person stands in a yoga pose in a bright setting

Pay what you can! Offered by the Wandering Soul Collective
4:30-5:30pm Restore + Renew: Reserve here
Step onto your mat, gear up for the week ahead. This restorative class will help release the things that are bringing you down to create a sacred space to let go of these old patterns. When we find ease physically, we can become more peaceful and present in our lives.
5:40-6:10pm Guided Meditation. Reserve here
Find stillness within your body and clear your mind with a variety of meditation techniques focusing on breath, visualization, inspiration, heart, body, mantra, and zen. Each class is 30 minutes, making it the perfect amount of time to drop in with yourself to deepen consciousness.

Email with questions
See all class options here