WSC Alignment & Beginner Class

Partner Event

Pay What You Can
Event Type
Flyer Credit
Wandering Soul Collective

A person stands in a yoga pose in a bright setting

Pay what you can! Offered by the Wandering Soul Collective
11:10-11:40 Beginner Class: 
This non-formal, informative, and accessible vinyasa style class is designed for beginners who want to build a practice and have questions about how to yoga. You’ll learn how to set yourself up for success with clear tutorials on common poses and the anatomy behind them, along with tips on how to approach your future classes.
10-11am Align Your Body. 
Take these 60 minutes to try on various poses in your unique vessel. We will move through intentional positions while asking questions to understand how we find more strength + freedom and less discomfort or injury.

Email with questions
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